📢 2025大鵬灣帆船生活節x黃阿瑪🐱 🌊揚帆啟航,和黃阿瑪一起暢遊大鵬灣! 🐱超可愛黃阿瑪聯名手機背帶送給你! 今年的大鵬灣帆船生活節變身海洋喵喵派對,不只帶來滿滿活動與展演市集,還加碼超萌的黃阿瑪陪你玩!💛
📢 2025 Dapeng Bay Marine Festival x FUMEANCATS🐱 🌊set sail together,Travel to Dapeng Bay with FUMEANCATS! 🐱Super cute Huang Ama co-branded mobile phone strap for you! This year’s Dapeng Bay Sailing Life Festival transforms into an Ocean Meow Party,Not only does it bring a market full of activities and performances, but it also has super cute FUMEANCATS to play with you.!💛